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Swift Building Company Ltd is proud to be a family run business. With this in mind, we support our family (and extended family) in all that they do. We are keen to work with charities, especially those we have a personal connection to. 


Summer 2023, and members of Swift will be helping Little Thetford Primary School create much needed outdoor storage space.


Ricky ran the London Marathon in 2019 to raise money for Cardiomyopathy UK and the Swift

team were happy to help their old subcontractor out. Fundraising events in Cambridge and

Newmarket saw the whole team take part!


                       This year we all made a BIG effort to raise money for Arthur Rank's Hospice

                       at Home service. They personally supported our family in such a way that we

                       could never truly repay them, but the half marathon in Cambridge was a start. 






Dan took part in the 2017 Town & Gown race in Cambridge to help raise money and

awareness for Muscular Dystrophy UK. The event is in its seventh year and is

immensely popular. It was a cold day, but Dan managed a personal best for the

10K course, with help from his favourite supporter!





                                                                                   The annual Bridge the Gap five-mile charity walk we were a

                                                                                   part of it! Helping to raise money for two local charities, Arthur

                                                                                   Rank Hospice Charity and Press Relief Community Fund.

                                                                                   Bridge the Gap charity walk is now in its 15th year!



Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund is a national registered charity (no. 1011325)

based in Romford, Essex. The Lennox aims to make a positive difference to the

lives of children suffering from cancer and leukaemia throughout the UK. Swift

Building run workplace raffles for the Lennox Fund - latest prize "a cuddly toy".


                             Sponsored Walk for MNDA: Jo (Ben's wife) took part in a sponsored walk in aid of the Motor

                             Neurone Disease Association. "Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a progressive

                             eurodegenerative disease that attacks the upper and lower motor neurones. Degeneration of

                             the motor neurones leads to weakness and wasting of muscles, causing increasing loss of

                             mobility in the limbs, and difficulties with speech, swallowing and                        

                             breathing." (  Swift Building Company were proud to support Jo and

                             all those who took part in the walk for MND.


'Care for a Cuppa' - May 2010: This year Diabetes UK is 75 years old and to celebrate the MRL,

University of Cambridge are hosting a ‘Care for a Cuppa’ event to raise funds for such a

worthwhile cause. Diabetes UK is the largest charity in the UK working for people with

diabetes, funding research, campaigning and helping people live with the condition. As part

of the coffee morning, the team at Swift Building Company will be donating prizes for the

raffle and helping on the day!


                           'World's Biggest Coffee Morning' - October 2009: The Metabolic Research Laboratories at

                            the IMS, University of Cambridge held their annual Macmillan Coffee Morning & Swift

                            Building Company Ltd helped the department raise over £500 by supplying cakes & biscuits

                            for them to sell on the day. In 2008 the department raised just over £400 for the charity.

                            "Macmillan improves the lives of people affected by cancer. We provide practical, medical &

                            financial support and push for better cancer care. Cancer affects us all. We can all help.


Race for Life- July 2009: Our administrator completed the Race for Life in Cambridge in July 2009.

When Vicky took part, she raised nearly £700 for Cancer Research UK. Swift Building Company

Ltd were pleased to help her reach this total and were there to cheer her on during the day. Vicky,

who hates the idea of even running to catch a bus, completed the 5k in under 30 minutes.

"Every pound raised in sponsorship or fundraising helps to fund the work of over 4,500

researchers, doctors and nurses dedicated to helping more people beat cancer."

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