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Coming Soon
Two detached, four bedroom, chalet homes in Soham, Cambridgeshire

Often taking a little more time, here's some photographs of our latest refurbishment project completed for a customer in Suffolk. So much character to uphold. Renovating such buildings breathes new life into homes filled with history!

Before (front)
Stone Cottage, Suffolk

After (front)
Stone Cottage, Suffolk

Stone Cottage, Suffolk

Before (side view)
Stone Cottage, Suffolk

After (extension)
Stone Cottage, Suffolk

After (window detail)
Stone Cottage, Suffolk

After (courtyard)
Stone Cottage, Suffolk
Stone Cottage: Works by Swift included a single storey extension with new windows in lounge area, a new kitchen, revamped porch with lovely new red front door (far less draughty) finished with a block paved driveway and path around property.
Read comments from the customer here.
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